Our Products
Glow Bricks makes Led Lighting kits designed for specific Lego models as well as a large range of DIY components
for use in your own MOCS. We can also make lighting kits to your own specifications.
Our LED’s are both the brightest and the smallest in the market allowing them to be integrated into the Lego element
itself which means that your Lego brick will sit flat as it should.

Nightmare Before Christmas 21351 LED Lighting Kit
This amazing handmade lighting kit features 53 individual LEDs.
It is powered via USB and has one USB plug.
USB power is the same as you would use from your phone charger, computer or rechargeable battery bank. However if you would like to use AA or AAA power you can find battery to USB packs here

The Botanical Garden 21353 LED Lighting Kit
This amazing handmade lighting kit features 90 individual LEDs.
It is powered via USB and has one USB plug.
USB power is the same as you would use from your phone charger, computer or rechargeable battery bank. However if you would like to use AA or AAA power you can find battery to USB packs here

Family Tree 21346 LED Lighting Kit
This amazing handmade lighting kit features 39 individual LEDs.
It is powered via USB and has one USB plug.
USB power is the same as you would use from your phone charger, computer or rechargeable battery bank. However if you would like to use AA or AAA power you can find battery to USB packs here

About Us
Glow Bricks (formerly Squidmittens Fun Stuff) is a husband and wife team of true Lego enthusiasts who travel and display at both major and minor Lego fan events throughout the country.
We have been providing quality lighting kits and DIY components to liven up your Lego creations since 2015.
Being part of the Lego community in Australia has given us insight into the needs of fellow exhibitors and has allowed us to develop our DIY range in line with their requirements. It would be fair to say that if you have attended Brickvention, Brick expo, Sydney Brick Show, Newcastle Brickfest, Bendigo Bricks or any of the smaller shows throughout the eastern states of Australia and seen a custom Lego display with lights it has probably used ours. Check out our gallery for great examples of our DIY range in action.